We've been convinced by our culture and the people around us that the result is more important than the process. It doesn't matter what it takes, doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you get the job done. The end justifies the means.
But a Christian lifestyle says completely the opposite. Let me explain.
When we are called to serve Christ, it is an important task to complete that mission. But the task, the result, the goal, isn't the most important part. It doesn't matter how many people we clothe, how much food we distribute, or how many houses we build if we aren't doing it in love. The process is more important than the result. The Why and the How are more important than the What.
So why and how should we serve? Why and how should we live, breathe, and perform every task in our lives? It comes back to the million dollar question - what is the meaning of life? Three things come to mind:
1) to bring glory to God - according to God in Isaiah 43:7, we are created for His glory. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians to do everything, even the simple things like eating and drinking, for the glory of God. In every little thing you do, consider how you can glorify, honor, and bring praise to God.
2) to strengthen our relationship with God - God calls us to draw near to Him and seek Him always.
3) to bring others closer to God - (if they already know God: to help them strengthen their relationship with Him. If they don't know God: to introduce them!) We are called to make disciples, and that involves pouring into people's lives and helping them in their walk with Christ.
The process is more important than the results. When we are called to perform an act of service, it's important to get the job done well and obey what we are called to do. But it's easy to get so caught up in reaching the goal that we forget how important the process really is.
Jesus is not about results, He's about relationships. Jesus doesn't want us to just check the boxes, He wants us to check our hearts. Bringing Him glory, drawing nearer to Him, and helping others draw near to Him are the ultimate goals.
The process is more important than the results.
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